Concurrent Enrollment is credit earned through Utah Valley University where qualified students can earn college credit. Students must enroll in the course at Lehi High School and at UVU. The cost is $5 per credit hour.
Face to Face Classes
Face to Face classes are 100% in person, at Lehi High School with Lehi High School instructors. The classes follow Lehi High School Schedule.
Biology 1010/1015
Biology 1610/1615
Building Construction
Chinese 3
Chinese 4
Computer Programming 1 and 2
Computer Programming 3
Computer Programming 4
Computer System 1 & 2
Culinary 2
Culinary 3
Dance 3 (Synergy)
Emergency Medical Responder
English 1010
English 2010
Sports Medicine
French 3
French 4
Financial Literature
Government and Citizenship
Intro to IT
Linux Fundamentals
College Preparation
Math 1010
Math 1030
Math 1050
Physics 1010
Spanish 3
Spanish 4
US History
TV/Video Production
Woods 2
Live Interactive Classes
Live interactive video classes are taught on the UVU campus and broadcast to Lehi High School Students. Classes are held on either Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Tuesday, Thursday. On the day students are not in class they will have a study hour during the class period that can be spent in the Library at Lehi High School.
Fall 20203 (Semester 1)
Music 1010 (Introduction to Music)
POLS 1100 (American National Govt)
PSY 1100 (Human Development)
COMM 1500 (Intro to Mass Comm)
THEA 1023 (Introduction to Film)
ENGL 1010 (Intro to Academic Writing)
PHSC 1000 (Survey of Physical Sci)
BIOL 1010 (General Biology)
AVSC 1010 (Survey of Aviation Science)
Spring 2024 (Semester 2)
PSY 1010 (General Psychology)
ART 1010 (Intro to Visual Arts)
COMM 1020 (Public Speaking)
NUTR 1020 (Foundations of Human Nutrition)
METO 1010 (Introduction to Meteorology)
PHIL 205G (Ethics & Values)
ENGL 2010 (Academic Writing and Research)
CJ 1340 (Criminal Investigation)
MUSC 1030 (American Popular Music)
AP Courses
Advanced Placement classes offer students a chance to do advanced subject work while in high school to earn college credit. After completing the class, students take a final AP Exam in May. AP Exams are scored from 1-5; generally, a score of 3 or higher qualifies the student for college credit. AP Credit is accepted differently at various colleges and universities. There is a testing fee for each test taken.
AP Art
AP Biology
AP Calculus (AB)
AP Chemistry
AP English Language
AP English Literature
AP French
AP Govn’t & Politics
AP Music Theory
AP Physics
AP Psychology
AP Statistics
AP Spanish
AP US History
AP World History